Online education for Ukrainian students - SchoolToGo

While schoolchildren in Ukraine face imminent ongoing threats to their lives and well-being, refugee children face other challenges. As of 31 July 2022, an estimated 650,000 Ukrainian children living as refugees in 12 host countries were still not enrolled in national education systems. UNICEF has supported nearly half of them with formal or non-formal education. It works with governments and partners to ensure that Ukrainian refugee children are either enrolled in schools or have access to online learning. Regional education authorities reported a total of 43 thousand teachers evacuated from their territories. Internally displaced target group approach depends on several circumstances: children, whose schools exist, can benefit from Schooltogo in a way that it enlarges curriculum and number of classes provided by their schools. Those children whose schools do not exist or do not provide education to their students can benefit from full time remote study in Schooltogo. Internally displaced children can benefit wherever they are due to the nature of our digital initiative.
Konkret məqsədi
Overall objectives:
O1: Contributed to ensuring the ongoing and improved education of students and teachers within the Ukrainian education system
O2: Contributed to supporting of banding together teachers, students, and classmates who lost their ties due to the war and displacement
With this in mind and based on our competencies and experiences, SchoolToGo aims to:
SO1: Enable ongoing online learning, thus conducing to students’ Digital Wellbeing
SO2: Ensure continuous implementation of the ‘New School’ curriculum
By reaching specific objective we aim to contribute to:
- ensuring the ongoing and improved education of students and teachers within the Ukrainian education system,
- supporting of banding together teachers, students, and classmates who lost their ties due to the war and displacement.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
R1 Established scalable, functional online school model which can be further multiplied in Ukraine schooling system
R2 Supervised and fine-tuned tech habits of students (A platform connected to the monitoring of digital well-being)
R3 The new education reform in practice, implemented in real learning experience
R4 Provided supplementary/additional learning system for teacher (including Mental Health and Psychological support - MHPSS)
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Bu internet səhifəsi Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən Şərq Qonşuluğu üzrə Regional Kommunikasiya Proqramı ("'EU NEIGHBOURS east") 2020-2024 tərəfindən idarə olunur. Proqram Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı ölkələrindəki Avropa İttifaqı Nümayəndəlikləri arasında məlumat mübadiləsini tamamlayır və dəstəkləyir, eləcə də Avropa Komissiyasının Qonşuluq Siyasəti və Genişləndirmə Məsələləri üzrə Baş Direktoratı və Avropa Xarici Fəaliyyət Xidmətinin rəhbərliyi altında fəaliyyət göstərir. Proqram GOPA PACE-un rəhbərlik etdiyi konsorsium tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

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