Contribution to reducing domestic violence in Georgia

Three activity clusters are interconnected and address violence against women holistically on a micro, mezzo, and macro level: At the macro level, the activities focus on improving legislation regarding sexual crimes, access to justice, and response mechanisms on a state-level; at the meso level, they are focused on raising awareness about domestic violence and gender equality, reproductive health, and women's rights; and on the micro level, they are focused on empowering women and girls via direct support services.
Konkret məqsədi
The overall objective is to:
Contribute to elimination of gender based and domestic violence in Georgia;
Specific objectives are:
a) Improvement of policy and regulatory framework as well its enforcement and accountability related to gender based violence and domestic violence ;
b) Prevention of gender based violence and domestic violence;
c) Enhancing access to services for particularly vulnerable victims of gender based violence including rural women, LBT, ethnic minority women (mainly from Kvemo Kartli region), sex workers, probationers and reducing the reoccurrence of violence;
Gözlənilən nəticələr
Improvements in legal reforms related to sexual crimes; Improved access to justice for women who have been victims of sexual violence; Increased response mechanisms by local authorities to prevent gender-based and domestic violence; LBT women and sex workers integrated in national, regional, and local policies. Increased awareness on gender based and domestic violence, gender equality, reproductive health and sexual rights and women’s rights ; Access to essential, safe and adequate multi-sectoral services is improved for women victims of GBV, domestic violence, and sex workers in three regions of Georgia;
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Qoruyan tərəfdaşlıq, Səlahiyyətləndirən tərəfdaşlıq
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