Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS) Project

Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS) project brings together local public and private stakeholders in the four regions of Georgia to make it easier for people to join or rejoin the labor market, and to stay in and advance at work. The project does so by inclusive, collaborative, and participatory investments in improved skills anticipation, skills matching and development, entrepreneurial studies, civic education, and lifelong learning.

This project is part of the wider Skills4Jobs programme initiated by the EU to improve employability across Georgia.
Konkret məqsədi
The project aims to contribute to improved quality and accessibility of skills anticipation, skills development and skills matching services, and their alignment with Georgia’s socio-economic development strategy.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1: Skills anticipation and matching is improved through platforms, partnerships, insights, and access to relevant data:
-Stakeholders better anticipate labour market trends, and employees and employers are informed on the supply and demand of skills.
-Project gathers and connects local duty bearers and right holders and facilitates exchange of information and trends for better partnerships and cooperation.
2: Young women and men improve employability through increased supply and quality of career guidance and skills development services:
-VET capacities are strengthened for technical and vocational delivery and skills development.
-Targeted young adults develop market-relevant skills and competencies, digital literacy, and citizenship capacities.
3: Young women and men benefit from entrepreneurial and lifelong learning and actively contribute to local social and economic development:
-Targeted young adults improve capacity in entrepreneurial key competences and generate entrepreneurial solutions to local social and economic issues.
-Representatives of underserved, remote rural areas, and especially NEETs, are motivated and enabled to invest in personal growth, skills development, and lifelong learning.
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Foto qalereya
Travelling University
Employment Story_Shida Kartli
Prioritet sahə:
Partnership that creates
Alt sektor:
Employment and entrepreneurship
Jobs, Skills
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