Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for establishment of national transport model and master plan

Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for the establishment of national transport model and master plan - the present EU financed project, will serve as a tool to support investment and transport planning in the transport sector of Ukraine by allowing the effects and impacts of various transport policy measures to be evaluated.
The transport sector is a key priority in EU–Ukraine cooperation which resulted in an EU – Ukraine Association Agreement. Association Agreement aiming at reforming road, railway, aviation, maritime, and inland waterway transport sectors and assisting Ukraine towards the achievement of efficient, safe, and secure transport.
In line with National Transport Strategy, the project "Assistance to the Ukrainian authorities for the establishment of national transport model and master plan”, includes:
• Building a comprehensive transport model
• Developing transport master plan for Ukraine, covers all modes of transport and travel to, from, within, and through Ukraine, inner-city transport being excluded.
Master plan will include short/medium term investment programs and guidelines for identifying projects in the future to contribute to the competitiveness of the transport sector and the economy of the country.
კონკრეტული ამოცანა ადგილობრივ ენაზე
Ukraine needs a clear and coherent transport model and master plan for the transport sector, as well as short/ medium-term investment programs and guidelines for identifying projects in the long term. Based on a detailed analysis of the current situation and of the national and European transport priorities, the National Transport Model and Master Plan will be provide a robust basis for planning the future of the transport sector in Ukraine: Projects earmarked for funding from other international financial institutions, public-private partnerships, private funded initiatives, etc.
This project will support the national administration and serve as a tool for continuous development of solutions and investment planning in the transport sector and contribute to:
• Ensuring safe and efficient for mobility of people and goods;
• Planning high-quality infrastructure with acceptable economic terms;
• For all modes of transport, namely: railway, road, air, inland waterways, maritime and ferry transport and road infrastructure, taking into account their relative advantages;
• Optimal capacity utilization of existing infrastructure;
• Operational harmonization of different transport modes;
• Implementation of transport activities in accordance with environmental and climate change requirements; and the
• Re-organization of institutions involved in national transport planning and improved coordination between them.

The scope of the project covers all modes of transport and travel to, from and in Ukraine. Inner-city transport is excluded, but it will be necessary to examine the effects of urban transport on transit traffic, for example, when it generates congestion affecting transit traffic.
მოსალოდნელი შედეგები
Results to be achieved

• Prepared analysis of the existing transport system and identification of the shortcomings/weaknesses that should be corrected;
• Quantification of the existing supply and demand regarding the transport sector;
• Development of a national multi-modal transport model by collecting related data and simulating the existing transportation conditions.
• Development of proposals for the national transportation system and evaluation of them by using multi-modal transportation modeling techniques. Moreover, alternative scenarios will be formulated and evaluated.
• Evaluation of proposals and scenarios by undertaking multi-criteria assessments.
• Preparation of a socio-economical and financial assessment.
• Development of a National Transport Master Plan with the horizon year of 2030, and an interim year of 2020, including Strategic Environmental Assessment.
• Improved data collection system for all transport modes.
პროექტის დოკუმენტები
პროექტის რუკა
პროექტის დეტალები
პრიორიტეტული სფერო:
პარტნიორობა, რომელიც ქმნის
კავშირი (ტრანსპორტი და ენერგეტიკა)
პროექტის სტატუსი:
დაწყების თარიღი:
დასრულების თარიღი:
ევროკავშირის პროექტის ნომერი:
398-616; 428-067

გაინტერესებთ უკანასკნელი ცნობები და შესაძლებლობები?

ამ ვებსაიტს მართავს ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული აღმოსავლეთ სამეზობლოს რეგიონული საკომუნიკაციო პროგრამა („EU NEIGHBOURS east“) 2020-2024. ეს პროგრამა ავსებს და მხარს უჭერს ევროკავშირის წარმომადგენლობების კომუნიკაციას აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის ქვეყნებში; ის მოქმედებს სამეზობლო პოლიტიკის და გაფართოებაზე მოლაპარაკებების საკითხებში ევროკომისიის გენერალური დირექტორატის და ევროპული საგარეო ქმედებათა სამსახურის ხელმძღვანელობით. პროგრამას ახორციელებს კომპანიის GOPA PACE კონსორციუმი.

ინფორმაცია ამ ვებგვერდზე რეგულირდება პასუხისმგებლობის შეზღუდვის და პერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვის დებულებებით. © European Union,