PGG III: Promoting equality and non-discrimination: towards more resilient and inclusive societies

The regional project seeks to consolidate the partnership established with institutions in the field of equality and non-discrimination and follow up on ongoing processes and harmonisation of legislative and institutional frameworks with European standards.
This project is implemented within the third Phase of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Partnership for Good Governance.” It builds on the results of the previous phases of the Partnership for Good Governance
in the field of equality and non-discrimination (Phase I 2015-2018 and Phase II 2019-2023).
Канкрэтная мэта
The project will contribute to improved functioning of mechanisms to combat discrimination, hatred, racism, and intolerance in the Eastern Partnership countries in line with European standards and best practices:
1. Improve data collection on hate crime grounds, providing additional technical support on this matter, in accordance with the relevant recommendations of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) and the Recommendation on combatting hate speech CM/Rec(2022)16.
2. Enhance response to hatred and racism by equality and law enforcement bodies.
3. Work with civil society organisations, Young European Ambassadors and other youth activists engaged and benefiting from various relevant EU programmes to provide them with knowledge and tools that address forms of hatred and racism with the aim to promote equality and diversity through actions destined to victims and youth.
Чаканыя вынікі
1. Improve the functioning of mechanisms to combat discrimination, hatred, racism and intolerance in Eastern Partnership countries in line with European standards and best practices.
2. Reinforce the knowledge and skills of policymakers, magistrates and law enforcement bodies on data collection concerning hatred and related bias motives.
3. Enhance the capacities of governments, equality bodies and police administrations to operate in diverse societies, and respond to racism and intolerance in line with European standards.
4. Increase awareness on equality and the damaging effects of hatred to societies for non-state stakeholders.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Грамадзянская супольнасць, Усходняе партнёрства, Адукацыя, Правы чалавека, Правасуддзе, Жанчыны, Моладзь
Краіны Усходняга партнёрства:
Арменія, Азербайджан, Грузія, Малдова, Україна
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

Цікавіцеся апошнімі навінамі і магчымасцямі?

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