Education Open Space for Students and Community

Improving the quality of education in the Displaced institutions by recovering a new infrastructure and facilities for full-time education and creating the innovative education environment for students, teaching staff and community; establishing the Education Open Space for Students and Community with a wide spectrum of student and community services
Konkret məqsədi
To create new opportunities for students’ development as creative individuals and modern specialists:
1. Created Education Open Space for Students and Community (EduSpace)
2. Created Train ToLead Space
3. Elaborated new study programs and modernized the current ones due to the request of the regional market
4. Increased student activity and community networking
Gözlənilən nəticələr
expected results for displaced university:
institutional infrastructure will be improved by reconstruction and creation of educational space;
provision of the wide range of services and facilities (conference room, classrooms, offices and centers) for individual development of students and fruitful teamwork;
maintenance stability in the work and development of displaced universities;
formation of the expert groups of external stakeholders to evaluate the curricula of displaced universities, the quality assurance and response to the needs of the labor market and the community;
new Master’s programs “Community Management”, “Conflict Management and Mediation” will be developed and launched
twelve educational programs and their practical component will correspond to the needs of the market and the expectations of community;
the image of displaced universities and the loyalty of the local community to them will be enhanced;
strong links established between displaced universities and key stakeholders.

expected results for students:
modern space for study and extracurricular activities;
variety of opportunities for student services based on EduSpace (library, two sports halls, student club, cafe, etc.);
Center for Leadership;
Center for Environmental Education;
Center of the Third Age Education;
self-governance bodies of MSU and DLI will be institutionalized and actively developed, through project activities.

expected results for teaching staff:
modern space for organizing conferences, seminars, workshops;
co-working area for the implementation of projects, teamwork and research;
10 academic mobility at the University of Genova (Italy);
upgrading the pedagogical excellence, teaching methods.

expected results for Community:
city will receive an additional tool to attract young people and develop civil activity
additional unit of the Center of the Third Age Education to accommodate 70 students annually
Center for Leadership to train 350 students per year
1,500 young city residents will attend EduSpace annually
young people will receive an additional incentive and a tool allowing them to stay in their hometown and build a successful career.
Layihə xəritəsi
Presentation of the project to the Community
Prioritet sahə:
Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Təhsil, tədqiqat və innovasiyalar
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Bu internet səhifəsi Avropa İttifaqı tərəfindən maliyyələşdirilən Şərq Qonşuluğu üzrə Regional Kommunikasiya Proqramı ("'EU NEIGHBOURS east") 2020-2024 tərəfindən idarə olunur. Proqram Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı ölkələrindəki Avropa İttifaqı Nümayəndəlikləri arasında məlumat mübadiləsini tamamlayır və dəstəkləyir, eləcə də Avropa Komissiyasının Qonşuluq Siyasəti və Genişləndirmə Məsələləri üzrə Baş Direktoratı və Avropa Xarici Fəaliyyət Xidmətinin rəhbərliyi altında fəaliyyət göstərir. Proqram GOPA PACE-un rəhbərlik etdiyi konsorsium tərəfindən həyata keçirilir.

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