EaP Integrated Border Management Flagship Initiative: Enhancement of the security of Belarus-Ukraine border by contributing to the completion of the border demarcation process, X-ray complex installation and mobile application development (DEMAX)

The comprehensive Project aims to enhance security of the common border, strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation between two countries in line with the principles of the Integrated Border Management. The project consists of 3 main components, focusing on: 1) supporting process of demarcation of the border between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine; 2) installation of a scanning complex at the border checkpoint (BCP) “Nova Huta” (the Republic of Belarus) and exchange of images, received from the scanning complex between the customs authorities of both countries; and 3) developing of mobile applications for streamlining of procedures for travelers crossing the border in the BCPs “Novi Yarylovychi” (Ukraine) – “Nova Huta” (the Republic of Belarus).
Konkret məqsədi
- Further develop the state border management practices through the support of the Ukraine-Belarus state border demarcation process.
- Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of border agencies at “Novaya Huta” and “Novi Yarilovychi” border crossing points (BCP) through tailored training, infrastructure upgrade and provision of equipment.
- Increase cross-border mobility for travellers by streamlining the border procedures.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
For demarcation component:
- Specific segments of the Belarus-Ukraine state border are demarcated with clearly visible border signs.
- Relevant guiding documents and technical documentation on border demarcation are developed and published.
- Local population is better aware of the presence and importance of the state border
- Capacity of Belarus and Ukraine to detect and deal with border violations is increased.

For X-ray component:
- Infrastructure at “Novaya Huta” BCP improved by enabling effective operation of cargo and vehicle X-ray scanning complex (X-ray).
- X-ray is delivered and installed at “Novaya Huta” BCP and linked up to the existing pre-arrival information exchange (PRINEX) system.
- X-ray data sharing between Belarus and Ukraine is enabled through the signature of relevant bilateral protocol(s) and(or) agreement(s).
- Capacity of Belarus and Ukraine to detect smuggled goods is increased.

For component of mobile software:
- Mobile device software to facilitate the crossing of the state border has been designed, developed and made available for end-users.
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ŞT ölkələri:
Belarus, Ukrayna
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