European Union Confidence Building Measures Programme V (2019-2022)

EU Confidence Building Measures Programme aims to bring closer people on both banks of Nistru river and help them trust each other by involving them in joint activities. Among them - creating joint businesses, common working platforms between associations, bringing people together at festivals and concerts, repairing buildings of local importance and creating media programs.
Konkret məqsədi
- To contribute to the economic and social development of both banks by ensuring equal access to opportunities provided by the Association Agreement and its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area for both banks of the Nistru River.
- To tackle the growing disparity between both banks (the Transnistrian region and the rest of the country) by supporting local development and CSOs.
- To continue supporting the sectoral rapprochement in pilot sectors (i.e. culture and others) and to progressively include Transnistria in Moldova-wide development initiatives to limit the development gap between both banks.
- To support the activities of media from both banks of Nistru River through common media production.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- To improve living conditions on both banks of the Nistru River by increasing economic opportunities and creating jobs.
- To develop communities through the increase of capacities of NGOs and LPAs.
- To strengthen thematic platforms created in the previous stage of the program for the cooperation of NGOs on both sides aiming to reduce disparities.
- To support culture as a pilot sector to develop and build trust.
- To improve capacities of media institutions on both sides to produce together attractive, qualitative and professional content for the social economic development of both banks.
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Foto qalereya
Classical music concert, Rascov, Asociatia Muzical-Corala
Prioritet sahə:
Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq, Səlahiyyətləndirən tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
İqtisadiyyat və ticarət, Yerdəyişmə
Biznes, Miqrasiya və yerdəyişmə
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