Assistance for Dnipro transport development

To support the Ukrainian authorities to implement the inland waterway reform in Ukraine, the European Commission launched in January 2019 the "Assistance for Dnipro Transport Development" project, focusing on:

1) Improving the legal and regulative framework required for reforming the inland waterway transport (IWT) in relation to the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement;
2) Contributing to increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Infrastructure and related institutions with the aim to improve the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of the IWT sector in Ukraine;
3) Developing a comprehensive IWT plan for the Dnipro river.
Konkret məqsədi
Facilitate and promote the reform in the waterborne transport in Ukraine. This reform will lead to efficient, effective and safe transport operations.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
The legal framework for Inland Waterway Transport in Ukraine to be in compliance with the provisions of specific EU directives, as per EU-Ukraine Association Agreement;
Capacity of the Ministry of Infrastructure and relevant institutions managing the IWT -system in Ukraine to be improved via series of trainings. This will lead to a reliable, impartial, transparent and efficient organisation, management and maintenance of the IWW network in Ukraine, in line with the EU standards;
A pilot data/statistics collection system on IWT to be established in Ukraine;
Strategy and Action Plan for the Development of Dnipro Inland Waterway Transport.
Layihə xəritəsi
Foto qalereya
Prioritet sahə:
Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Bağlantı (nəqliyyat və enerji)
Layihə Vəziyyəti:
Başlama tarixi:
Bitmə tarixi:
AB Layihə nömrəsi:
404-292; 434-414

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