Support to implementation of the Environmental provisions of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement

The project focuses on support to the environmental sector of Georgia and supports the implementation process of Georgia's environmental commitments under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.

The project addresses four important environmental aspects:
- The Working Group of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA) on Environmental Liability is supported with further development of Georgia's environmental liability system by providing text proposals for by-laws and delivering environmental liability training.
- With the purpose of protection of the Black Sea, a proposal is prepared for a Marine Strategy and Action Programme aiming at a process of improving the quality of the marine environment.
- To improve Georgia's air quality regarding VOCs, assessment of the sectors responsible for emissions (petrol, paint, varnishes) is conducted and inspectors are trained to enforce the applicable rules.
- Further development of the Emerald Network of designated natural areas in Georgia is supported. A series of workshops, including with local communities, will help the development of management plans and monitoring and conservation activities of several Emerald sites.
Konkret məqsədi
To support Georgia with strengthening its environmental governance, preventing environmental degradation, and improving its strategic environmental planning, in line with the Association Agreement (AA) between Georgia and the EU.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Text proposals for four by-laws and of guidelines under Georgia's Law on Environmental Liability
- Proposal for a National Marine Environment Strategy and Action Programme prepared, preparatory meetings and workshops held.
- Inspectors and National Environmental Agency staff trained on enforcement of requirements under the voes Directive;
- Assessment of the compliance capacity in the petrol distribution sector, and of levels of organic solvents in paints, varnishes and vehicle refinishing products.
- Development of Emerald sites' management plans and periodic reporting supported for the National Biodiversity Monitoring System;
- Capacity-building of Ministry staff to implement new regulations and requirements of European directives.
Layihə sənədləri
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture
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Foto qalereya
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture
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