Georgia Hazardous Waste

EU-Georgia Association Agreement includes applications to improve waste management in the country. Therefore the government of Georgia has identified waste collection in disposal as well as reform of the existing waste management system as a key priority.
The project supports development of a hazardous waste management system in Georgia and offers basic services to fill the immediate gaps in the hazardous waste management infrastructure.

The project will result in a cleaner and safer environment as well as improvement of people's daily lives by eliminating health hazards posed by unsanitary waste handling.

Hazardous waste will be collected, treated and disposed according to EU best practices, such as Extended Producer Responsibility, waste acceptance criteria for hazardous waste landfill management practices having a strong waste prevention focus in line with the EU waste hierarchy concept, which should help reduce air, groundwater and soil pollution.

The project also promotes development of the private sector by encouraging the development of new markets.
Konkret məqsədi
To help to develop a comprehensive and environmentally acceptable hazardous waste management system in Georgia which will ultimately resolve result in a cleaner and safer environment
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Hazardous waste management system developed and financed
- Two new waste management facilities operational in Eastern and Western Georgia
- Specialised equipment provided to new facilities
- Neighbourhood advice and resource centres arranged
- Additional treatment facilities arranged.
Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia
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Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia
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