Competition and State aid rules and practices alignment with the EU Acquis (СOMPASA)

“Competition and State aid rules and practices alignment with the EU acquis” Project will contribute to sustainable and equitable recovery and economic competitiveness of Ukraine through strengthened and EU compliant competition and State aid frameworks, aligned with requirements of Ukraine’s accession process towards the EU membership.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine is the Beneficiary of the COMPASA Project.
3 main Project Components are the following:
Component 1: “Review and strengthen the competition policy of Ukraine in line with EU legislation and practices”;
Component 2: “To review and enhance the State aid policy framework of Ukraine in line with EU legislation and practices”;
Component 3: “Strengthening of Institutional Capacity of the State aid system”.

Konkret məqsədi
Overall objective:
Sustainable and equitable recovery and economic competitiveness of Ukraine through strengthened and EU compliant Competition and State aid frameworks, aligned with requirements of Ukraine’s accession process towards EU membership.
Component 1 Competition. Outputs:
1.1 Recommendations for competition framework updates and drafts of legislative and regulatory amendments
1.2 Analytical support to identify and tackle dominance of oligarchs in specific sectors of the economy
Component 2 State aid. Outputs:
2.1 Recommendations for upgrade of State aid primary and secondary laws and respective legal amendments
2.2 Fully completed and comprehensive State aid inventory
Component 3 Horizontal activities. Outputs:
1.3 Training and advisory support packages for AMCU aiming at institutionalisation of modern competition practices
2.3 Training and advisory support packages for AMCU aiming at institutionalisation of effective State aid provision and control
3.1 Digital solutions and IT tools
3.2 Communication and advocacy measures and materials
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1) Significantly improved and functioning competition policy system in Ukraine aligned with EU legislation and practices;
2) Significantly improved and functioning State aid policy system in Ukraine with EU legislation and practices.
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Alt sektor:
Biznes, Səmərəli idarəçilik, Yerli inkişaf
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