Establishment of a Technology and Creative Industries Hub in Kapan

TUMO Center for Creative Technologies (TUMO) is an educational powerhouse that operates at the intersection of education, creativity and technology. Since its founding in 2011, TUMO has set up an Armenia-wide free-of-charge after-school programme that puts teenagers in charge of their own learning. TUMO trains weekly over 22,000 students across Armenia in its TUMO centres and TUMO Boxes.

TUMO has developed a learning program that is made up of self-learning activities, workshops and project labs around 14 learning targets. Teens combine these into personal learning paths that adapt to their evolving preferences and rate of progress.

TUMO is now expanding to Kapan to empower teens in the Syunik region. TUMO Kapan is the latest addition to the network of TUMO centres and will be located in the previous Kapan Railway Station, a historic building dating from 1932.
The TUMO Kapan project is supported by the European Union’s Resilient Syunik Team Europe initiative (which contributes to the sustainable socioeconomic and institutional development of the Syunik region in line with local development priorities) via a grant provided to the Municipality of Kapan as well as donors Judith Saryan and Victor Zarougian.
Konkret məqsədi
By establishing TUMO Kapan the overall objective is to increase market readiness and competitiveness of current and next generation, reduce emigration, and enhance economic potential in the Syunik region.
The specific objectives are:
1. Increased access to education and training for youth for potential employability in Kapan and Syunik at large and,
2. Improved ecosystem for entrepreneurship in Kapan and Syunik region.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. Build TUMO Kapan
2. Increase the quality of digital skills among youth
3. Increased employability of the workforce
4. Increased entrepreneurship and innovation in Kapan.
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