PGG III: Promoting equality and non-discrimination in Armenia

This project seeks to further support national stakeholders and partners providing in-depth knowledge and stimulating their cooperation and networking, towards better responses to discrimination and hatred. It will reinforce national remedies against hate speech, continue the work initiated with state institutions to respond to discrimination and hate crime in line with national reforms and work with non-state stakeholders and local institutions to improve their understanding of equality and diversity, better reaching out victims from vulnerable groups. Its synergy with the regional action will also feed into expected results, encouraging regional networking and creating platform for mutual understanding and exchange of the best practices.
This project is implemented within the third Phase of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Partnership for Good Governance” running from2023 until 2027. It builds on the results of the previous phases of the Partnership for Good Governance in the field of promoting equality and non-discrimination (Phase I 2015-2018 and Phase II 2019-2023).
Konkret məqsədi
The project seeks to ensure an improved record of reforms to combat discrimination, hatred and racism and better protect vulnerable groups in Armenia, in line with European standards. This can be achieved by:

1. Reinforcing national remedies against hate speech (offline and online).
2. Continuing the work initiated under the previous phase of the project with state institutions to respond to discrimination and hate crime, in line with national reforms.
3. Working with non-state stakeholders and local institutions to improve their understanding of equality and diversity and improve their reach to victims of vulnerable groups.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. Armenian institutions and other non-state stakeholders are made aware of the dangers posed by hate speech to the society and their effects on the country and take initial steps to respond to hate speech in a systemic manner.
2. Armenian institutions improve their awareness and capacities to react to discrimination and hate motivated incidents and attacks in line with ECRI standards/recommendations and with other European standards.
3. Local-level institutions and non-state stakeholders increase their awareness of equality, as well of the dangers of hatred to societies.
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Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Şərq Tərəfdaşlığı, Təhsil, İnsan hüquqları, Qadınlar, Gənclər
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