Biomass Energy and Energy Efficient Technologies as a Sustainable Energy Solutions for Georgian CoM signatories

This project is part of EU’s Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy initiative which brings together thousands of local governments voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives. The project supports Municipality of Telavi with:
- Introduction of energy efficient measures and use of renewable energy sources by implementing complex pilot investment projects in kindergartens
- Promotion of renewable energy production and use by utilizing locally available biomass and applying innovative technologies
- Establishing the local biomass logistic chain and using of vineyard pruning for heating instead of natural gas or wood;
- Public awareness campaigns with broad public involvement for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.
Konkret məqsədi
Enhance capacities of Georgian cities/municipalities - signatories of the Covenant of Mayors - in climate change mitigation and fulfillment of sustainable local energy policy through implementation of investment projects in line with their Sustainable Energy (Climate) Action Plans.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
Completed thermo-modernization of 2 selected municipal/public buildings with consideration of RE & EE technologies
- Established renewable energy (biomass) supply chain in order to ensure the heating of 2 selected buildings with using of agriculture wastes (vineyards’ pruning resides)
- Enhanced managerial and technical capacities of local authorities in target municipalities to transform SE(C)APs measures into investment projects and fulfill CoM commitments through implementation of Sustainable energy investment projects
- Decreased dependence on imported fossil fuels & increased share of locally available renewable energy resources in final municipal energy consumption
- Raised awareness on benefits of clean energy technologies among interested stakeholders and public at large in target municipality and beyond
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Foto qalereya
Organization of Sustainable Energy day in Telavi on June 29, 2018
Biomass Supply Chain in Telavi Municipality
Sustainable Energy Day in Telavi municipality
Energy Efficient Kindergarten in Ikalto
Energy Efficient Kindergarten In Telavi
Prioritet sahə:
Yaşıllaşdıran tərəfdaşlıq, Qoruyan tərəfdaşlıq, Yaradan tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Enerji və enerjinin səmərəliliyi, Dövlət idarəçiliyi və dövlət administrasiyası, Kənd təsərrüfatı və regional inkişaf
Energetika, Səmərəli idarəçilik, Kənd təsərrüfatı
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