SANCUS: Strengthening Accountability Networks among Civil Society: National Implementation & Participation in global and regional activities, funded through EIDHR

The project aims to contribute to the enhanced accountability of public institutions in the field of education by empowering Civil Society Organizations (CSO) through the introduction of effective monitoring mechanisms. The action involves building the capacity of CSO representatives and experts to conduct effective monitoring of respective policymaking processes and procedures among responsible public institutions, including budgeting and spending, responsiveness to public inquiries, implementation of participatory governance, etc.
Konkret məqsədi
Overall objective: to strengthen the role of civil society in contributing to democratic accountability in the country.

1. CSOs and rights holders are more effectively mobilised to demand greater accountability and integrity in the field of education policy through increased visibility, strategic advocacy, and broad networks.
2. CSOs and broader civil society meaningfully engage duty bearers in consultations, redress mechanisms, as well as in the monitoring and scrutiny of their responsiveness throughout the educational policy and budget cycles.
3. CSOs more strongly advocate for enhanced parliamentary oversight, as well as stronger democratic accountability institutions and mechanisms, based on systematic monitoring and public reporting on their performance, using digital technologies.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. CSOs and broader civil society demonstrate increased skills and knowledge to conduct effective monitoring of duty bearers and responsible institutions.
2. CSOs, civil society, youth and other concerned groups are mobilized to meaningfully participate in policy and budget processes, utilize redress mechanisms, and engage in anti-corruption monitoring initiatives, in the field of education
3. Monitoring of Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture and evidence-based recommendation are provided.
4. Monitoring of the parliament and/or other oversight institutions in their role providing horizontal accountability for the processes, mechanisms and initiatives addressed and report and act upon the findings
5. Roll out proven digital approaches and tools as part of accountability and anti-corruption initiatives
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Qoruyan tərəfdaşlıq, Səlahiyyətləndirən tərəfdaşlıq
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Dövlət idarəçiliyi və dövlət administrasiyası, Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti
Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Səmərəli idarəçilik, Təhsil
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