Building a Society where Every Girl and Boy Can Reach their Full Potential with Dignity

The project will provide structured support to the Government of Moldova and the four LAs (Cantemir, Cimislia, Taraclia and Stefan Voda) to apply a system-wide approach towards primary prevention, family strengthening and preservation as key preconditions for the long-term development. At national level, the Government of Moldova will be supported in the nationwide expansion of the approved policies using innovative practices that proved to have a positive impact on child wellbeing. At local level, the project will focus in the four LAs to reconfigure the local childcare system by improving collaboration between the existing structures and services on primary prevention, strengthening families to nurture, protect and care for their children. The project will build capacities of local institutions and professionals to develop innovative psycho-social support services /programmes for children at risk, victims of violence and those left behind by parents. Strong emphasis will be placed on strengthening meaningful child participation in child welfare. Grassroots civil society organizations will be supported to mobilize community actors, establish sustainable partnerships and act as key partners of LAs in programme and service development.
Konkret məqsədi
- Foster synergies and coordination across sectors to ensure the protection of children’s rights and their wellbeing.
- Enable 4 local authorities to strengthen their social protection system to timely address the child’s wellbeing concerns &risks and to provide sustained assistance to children and families.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Legal acts revised.
- Methodological guides &training programmes on primary prevention developed &integrated; Professionals across sectors trained in the implementation of primary prevention legislation.
- Media representatives trained to actively promote children’s rights and wellbeing.
- Innovative trauma-informed programmes developed, tested &integrated.
- Local professionals &practitioners trained &applying improved social services &innovative approaches.
- Children empowered as child rights defenders.
- Local CSOs supported to become key partners in provision of services for children.
Layihə sənədləri
District Council Stefan Voda
District Council Taraclia
District Council Cantemir
Cimislia District Council
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