Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia

The EU funded Twinning project “Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacities in Georgia” aims to strengthen Georgia’s preparedness and resilience towards cyber threats and attacks, by capacity building of Georgian stakeholders and creating enabling cybersecurity frameworks, in line with the EU’s approach, standards, and relevant legal and policy framework, notably but not limited to the NIS Directive.

The project will directly support beneficiaries through improved institutional cybersecurity capacities, enhanced staff competencies, closer international and national cooperation, threat information exchange platforms, and awareness and capacity building of stakeholders and the wider information society.
Konkret məqsədi
The specific objective of the project is to strengthen Georgia’s cybersecurity legal and institutional frameworks to increase its security level of networks and information systems, as well as its level of prevention, preparedness, reaction, and resilience to cyber incidents and threats. The benchmark for this will be the EU’s relevant policy and legal framework, namely the NIS Directive and the EU’s external cyber capacity building guidelines. The project will carefully follow the EU’s approach to promoting rules-based cybersecurity governance in full respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It will take into consideration a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach for an inclusive and accountable policy and decision-making process, involving Chief Security Officers (CSOs), civic actors, and the private sector. All this will benefit the citizens, the whole information society, and the digital economy of Georgia.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
1. Georgian national cyber security institutional governance model strengthened
- Revise Georgia’s cybersecurity legislation to meet EU standards and NIS Directive approximation;
- Develop and support a strong cyber governance system;
2. Legal, operational and technical frameworks developed enabling the protection of critical information infrastructures (CIIP) and operators of essential services (OES) as per the NIS Directive
- Improving Georgia’s capacity to handle cybersecurity incidents;
- Strengthen cyber capabilities and a cyber workforce;
3. Operational cyber related capacities & capabilities of the national cybersecurity authorities and other stakeholders strengthened
- Bolster cyberculture and awareness building.
National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS) draft assessment
Information Security (IS) law assessment and dependencies to the NIS directive (Act 1.1.2)
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