EaP COVID-19 Solidarity Programme

The aim of the Programme is to mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19 and to contribute to the longer-term socio-economic resilience of vulnerable groups in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Implemented by People in Need (PIN), in partnership with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and AFEW International (AFEW), it aims to propose a set of interventions in several countries, including Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Konkret məqsədi
To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and contribute towards longer term socio-economic resilience of vulnerable groups in Eastern Partnership countries.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- CSO Grants for direct service provision, monitoring, advocacy and ensuring access to accurate information.
- Support to CSOs adapting to the needs emerging from the COVID crisis.
- Ongoing Assessment of COVID-19 Measures.

- CSO and Watchdog Center capacity development for inclusive recovery policies and sector reform.
- Journalists Capacity Development and Grants to cover COVID-19 response.
- Support to CSOs and Watchdog Initiatives – Policy Engagement and Reform.
- Intraregional exchange of experience in monitoring of the adherence of governance response to COVID to international human rights standards and recommendations of international institutions.
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Foto qalereya
Signing ceremony of the contribution agreements within the second round
Video about the right to go on strike #3
Georgia_solidarity community
Video about the right to go on strike #2
Video about the right to go on strike #1
The Video Promoting Labor Rights in Georgia
The Video Promoting Labor Roghts in Georgia
Video Promoting Labor Rights in Georgia
Video Promoting Labor Rights in Georgia
Video Promoting Labor Rights in Georgia
Video Promoting Labor Right
NGO CNPAC_video for advocacy campaign
Documentary regarding far-right narrative (updated)
CONSENS - one of the civil society organisations (CSOs) supported by PIN. In addition to the bee-induced tranquillity, Iurie also makes a special honey brandy to help loosen the nerves.
ADDI has been training young people within various volunteer activities
Dreamups is an online training platform helping businesses to advertise online
Consens NGO, promotion and advertisement of business strategy, recovery after Covid-19
Wooden mosque promotion Video
Promo Video Promoting Importance of Georgian Classes among Ethnic Minorities of Georgia
Project promo video promoting Cultural Heritage of Georgia
The Video of the Campaign Promoting the Solution of Educational Issues Faced by Azerbaijanian kids in Marneuli Municipality
Video Promoting Georgian Classes in Schools
Promo Video
Video Promoting Vaccination
Project promo video promoting Cultural Heritage of Georgia
Project promo video promoting Cultural Heritage of Georgia
NGO AREAP_video summarising their project
Story about NGO AREAP and their work to deliver warm meals to elderly people
Prioritet sahə:
Səlahiyyətləndirən tərəfdaşlıq, Yaşıllaşdıran tərəfdaşlıq
Alt sektor:
Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Səhiyyə
Vətəndaş cəmiyyəti, Səhiyyə, COVID-19
ŞT ölkələri:
Ermənistan, Gürcüstan, Moldova, Ukrayna
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