
Daiana Varzari

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Daiana is an ambitious young student who was born in Italy but raised in Moldova. She hopes to study abroad to open her horizons in different fields and get to know many cultures from all around the world. Daiana believes the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative will allow her to bring fundamental changes and improve the quality of life in the Republic of Moldova.

Anastasia Culai

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Anastasia is passionate about leadership, organising events for the benefit of young people, and participating in projects with a positive impact on society. She is part of multiple volunteer organisations and the student council, where she applies her management skills to the advantage of her peers. Anastasia is an active participant in human rights projects, taking part in UNICEF projects implemented by Terre des hommes Moldova. She is always open to new experiences as she is inspired by new challenges and active communities.

Maria Cujbă

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Maria is currently studying the web application administration at the Center of Excellence in Economics and Finance. If Maria could describe herself in one word, it would be ‘kaleidoscopic’. She considers herself to be a charismatic, optimistic, friendly, hardworking and curious individual. She loves volunteering and is always open to trying something unusual and challenging. Maria sees a bright future for her country!

Cristina Mocanu

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Cristina is a student at the Center of Excellence in Economics and Finance, majoring in Business Planning and Administration. Her dedication to a variety of causes, from environmental efforts to community empowerment, reflects a deep commitment to making a positive impact. Through leadership and hands-on involvement, she has sparked tangible change while inspiring others to join the journey toward a brighter, more inclusive world.

Cristian Bacinschi

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Cristian is a dynamic and driven individual with a passion for innovation, community development and human rights. With a background in volunteering and a flair for entrepreneurship, he has successfully spearheaded several initiatives that blend creativity and strategic thinking. His genuine commitment to social causes means he spends countless hours working with local nonprofits and charitable organisations. Cristian’s enthusiasm for connecting with peers from diverse backgrounds and his commitment to building a more united and welcoming home country make him a valuable team player for the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative.

Amelia Cotorobai

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Amelia is a senior high-school student interested in International Law. Having participated in the Pestalozzi Programme in Switzerland, Amelia discovered the importance of collaboration between the Eastern Partnership and the European Union, and is keen to promote European Values in Moldova. Being part of two volunteering organizations in Chișinău, Amelia wants to passionately increase the awereness in her country about equality, morality and tolerence.

Coșer Daneș

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Daneș is an aspiring student currently enrolled at Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei (Technical University of Moldova). Fuelled by a passion for technology and social impact, he aims to raise awareness about systemic issues that plague the IT world. His commitment extends beyond academics, as evidenced by his active participation in the Moldova Model United Nations Conference, where he honed his diplomatic skills. He is on a mission to connect with like-minded individuals who share his vision of propelling the Republic of Moldova toward a European future, leveraging technology as a catalyst for positive transformation.

Cornelia Rotaru

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Cornelia is proud to be an outstanding high school student, whose dedication to creating positive changes is truly inspiring. She is known not only for her academic excellence, but also for her active involvement in various impactful projects, such as the Summer Camp ”Youth Act – Young People for Justice” but also the Youth Parliament programme in Moldova, showcasing a deep sense of responsibility and exceptional leadership skills. With a keen interest in European values, she is determined to make significant changes in her community and improve the quality of life in Moldova through her new role as a Young European Ambassador.

Mădălina – Teodora Ciumac

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Mădălina is currently working towards completion of her secondary school studies, specialising in Romanian and world literature, with a great passion for history. Mădălina is determined to make a change regard the importance of equality of people in race, religion, status. This year, Mădălina helped her volunteering team from ‘FILIT’ to organise a festival in Moldova which she considers was a major step in the development of literature. Mădălina enjoys contributing to diffrent projects and is looking forward to effecting positive change in the Republic of Moldova as part of the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative.

Gabriel Chiriac

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Gabriel is a dedicated student and is currently pursuing his education with a focus on law and public diplomacy. Enthusiastic about art and diverse cultures, Gabriel is known among his peers for his appreciation of the intricate connections between people and their traditions. Describing himself as a curious soul, he seeks to discover the lifestyles of different countries, driven by a desire to understand and promote global unity. Gabriel’s ultimate goal is to utilise his passion for law and public diplomacy to make a meaningful impact on the world, fostering cooperation and harmony across borders.

Cătălina Miron

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Cătălina is an ambitious, intelligent and determined high school student. She has won multiple English, Romanian, and History National Olympiads and a medal in The International English Language Olympiad in Bucharest in 2023, demonstrating her passion for languages, history and challenges. Through her interest in diplomacy, human rights and EU values, Cătălina aspires to pursue International Relations at a higher level. Moreover, Cătălina is enthusiastic about expanding her knowledge, excelling in civic activism, community engagement and advocating for justice, diversity, equality, and volunteering among the youth.

Cărpineanu Alexandrina

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Moldova
Alexandrina is currently studying Multimedia Production at the Universitatea de Stat din Moldova (State University of Moldova). Having an interest in technology led her to take a part in the Inteligența artificială în acțiune (AI in Action) organisation where she is able to applyher copywriting, design and organisational skills. Alexandrina is eager to learn, improve and collaborate. She looks to convey her life through words, sounds, and colors, all infused with joy, hope, and aspiration. She enjoys engaging with others in lengthy conversations about the fascinating complexity of our world and the dynamics of human relationships. Her greatest dream is to inspire and bring out the best i…

Daniela Bruma

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Daniela considers herself to be a dynamic and innovative force, embodying creativity and passion in her endeavors. With a keen interest in public speaking, debates, and international relations, she channels her energy into advocating for peace and human rights. Motivated by a strong work ethic and a belief in the transformative power of words, she aspires to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Bianca Rusu

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Bianca is nearing completion of her secondary school studies, who has volunteered for the initiative group “HaiUngheni” and was the head of the human resources department at the District Youth Council Ungheni. Ambitious and very hardworking, Bianca is always thinking about improving herself and the community. She sees her future self as an ambassador and is ready to be the change that society needs.

Bețivu Francesca

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova
Francesca is a high school student with many passions including volunteering, entrepreneurship and art. She has great aspirations towards shaping her country into a place the youth will work to develop. Francesca initiated her volunteering journey as part of the “” platform, promulgating news and opportunities dedicated to young people, including those offered by the European Union. She is also an active volunteer in the Local Youth Council in her city. Francesca looks forward to using her voice to share European ideals among her peers, and representing Moldova at meetings with high-level EU officials and collaborating with people worldwide to build a safe and bright future for e…


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