EU4Youth – SAY YES Skills for Jobs

The Project aims to contribute to the (self)-employability of young people which will be achieved through a series of activities focused on educational capacity development, advocacy and youth work focusing on young people with fewer opportunities.
Канкрэтная мэта
- Enhance formal and non-formal education to increase opportunities for youth to develop adequate key and professional competences for integration in the labour market
- Strengthen support structures for youth employability at local and national levels and enhance the development of formal and non-formal education for fostering youth (self) employability, through cross-sectoral cooperation.
Чаканыя вынікі
- The accessibility of qualification programmes for competence development of young people.
- Non-formal catch-up programme for school-drop outs.
- New needs and skill-based inclusive formal and non-formal VET programmes in compliance with a work-based learning (WBL) approach.
- Public stakeholders for youth employability, local and national youth-led structures and private companies involved or interested in work-based learning qualification programmes.
- Strengthened mechanism for validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) and central employment platform for unemployed youth.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that creates
Youth (entrepreneurship & skills development), Civil society, Employment and entrepreneurship
Youth, Civil society, Jobs
Краіны Усходняга партнёрства:
Armenia, Georgia
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

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