European Union for Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea– EU4EMBLAS

The "European Union for Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea" (EU4EMBLAS) project is the continuation of the previous EU project “Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea”. The overall objective of the project is to help improve protection of the Black Sea environment. This objective will be pursued through further technical assistance focused on establishing modern systems and facilities for environmental monitoring in Georgia and Ukraine, as well as capacity building, assessment of environmental status in line with EU MSFD/WFD and public awareness raising on the Black Sea environmental issues. The key involved actors are the relevant national authorities, as well as research/scientific and educational institutions involved in the Black Sea monitoring.
Канкрэтная мэта
- Upgrade of the technical facilities of key environmental organisations and laboratories involved in the monitoring of the Black Sea by procurement of modern analytical techniques and enabling their long term operation.

- Building national capacities and skills in use of the up-to-date monitoring and analytical techniques aligned with the MSFD and WFD principles and methodologies and the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSIMAP), including environmental data sharing and assessment.

- Raise awareness on the key environmental issues and increase public involvement in the protection of the Black Sea.
Чаканыя вынікі
- Modern systems and facilities established to support marine environmental monitoring in Georgia and Ukraine.

- National capacities strengthened for application of modern analytical methods, data management and assessment related to marine environmental monitoring in line with MSFD methodologies and protocols.

- Awareness of general public on the Black Sea environmental issues further increased and education of young generation supported.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that greens
Environment & climate change
Краіны Усходняга партнёрства:
Georgia, Ukraine
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

Цікавіцеся апошнімі навінамі і магчымасцямі?

Гэты вэб-сайт адмініструецца фінансаванай праз ЕС Рэгіянальнай камунікацыйнай праграмай для Усходняга суседства ("УСХОДНЯЕ СУСЕДСТВА ЕС") на 2020-2024 гады. Праграма дапаўняе і падтрымлівае камунікацыйную працу Прадстаўніцтваў ЕС ва ўсходніх краінах-партнёрах і працуе пад кіраўніцтвам Генеральнага дырэктарата Еўрапейскай камісіі па палітыцы суседства і перамоваў аб пашырэнні і Службы знешніх дзеянняў ЕС. Праект рэалізуецца кансорцыумам пад кіраўніцтвам GOPA PACE.

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