Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable and Inclusive Society

The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) with the financial support of the European Union and the Bread for the World and with partner organizations has started to implement a project “Advancing Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable and Inclusive Society”.

Project aims at:
-contributing to a more favorable ecosystem for social entrepreneurship;
-creating favorable legal environment for social entrepreneurship and social impact investment;
-widely promoting social purpose driven businesses and social entrepreneurship
-supporting SE by different sectors and society at large;
-promoting sustainable development of social enterprises through increased access to tailored financial resources, effective technical assistance, and networking.

The project envisages various types of actions such as advocacy and policy dialogue, awareness-raising campaigns, financial, technical and consulting support of social enterprises, increasing SEs access to various financial resources, gaining the support of the private sector, building young people, etc.
Канкрэтная мэта
Overall objective: Favorable environment for social entrepreneurship is created to integrate people in vulnerable situations in socio-economic development and to promote their fundamental rights

Specific objective(s):
- Favorable legal environment for social entrepreneurship and social impact investment is promoted by engaging national and local governments in policy dialogue;
- Concept of social purpose driven businesses and social entrepreneurship is widely promoted and supported by different sectors and society at large;
- Sustainable development of social enterprises with strong regional focus is promoted through increased access to tailored financial resources, effective technical assistance, and networking
Чаканыя вынікі
- National government acknowledges its supporting role in advancement of social purpose driven businesses and Impact Investment in Georgia
- Municipal governments in Kakheti and Guria Regions have piloted mechanisms to support SE development
-Business sector, including business associations are actively engaged in developing and supporting social entrepreneurship;
- Young people and population at large understand the concept and support social purpose driven business.
- Advanced, needs tailored enabling resources and support systems are available for active and start-up SEs throughout Georgia;
- Access to diversified finances for start-up and active SEs has increased;
Карта праекта
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SE young ambassadors_ ENG
SE young ambassadors
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B2B Fair 2022 - ENG
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Summery video of SE Young Ambassadors program
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое стварае, Партнёрства, якое стварае, Партнёрства, якое абараняе, Партнёрства, якое стварае, Партнёрства, якое пашырае магчымасці
Эканоміка і гандаль, Адукацыя, даследаванні і інавацыі, Вяршэнства права і правы чалавека, Моладзь (прадпрымальніцтва і развіццё навыкаў), Грамадзянская супольнасць
Грамадзянская супольнасць, Дыялог, Адукацыя, Правы чалавека, Моладзь, Моладзь, Бізнес
Статус праекта:
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Нумар праекта ЕС:

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