Promotion of Rights Based Social Services for People with Disabilities and Elderly

The project develops social services in Georgia, where social, cultural and economic rights of vulnerable groups, including People with Disabilities and elderly are respected and promoted. For this purpose, the project activities are focused on one hand, on developing and piloting rights-based social services in different regions of Georgia and on the other hand, on promoting political/professional environment to sustain the approach nationwide.

The project examines capacities of social service providers to implement Right Based Approach (RBA), compared to international best practices. Based on the study findings the training/capacity building and financial support is provided to the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to initiate and pilot new rights-based social services in seven municipalities of Georgia.

Rights-based social service models and standards focusing on people with disabilities and elderly are developed and promoted on national level via round tables and national conference. In order to ensure a continuous supply of social welfare systems with professionals and protect the rights of vulnerable groups, the project strengthens social work profession by developing and integrating the educational material on rights-based approach in social work academic programs and develops organizational capacity of Social Workers (Trade) Union (SWU). The SWU, with technical and financial assistance from the project, will monitor and advocate for implementation of the action plan for the Law on Social Work (adopted in 2018).
Konkret məqsədi
1. To increase capacity of social service providers to provide rights-based social services to people with disabilities and elderly.
2. To ensure favorable political and educational environment to promote sustainable integration of rights-based approach in social service provision on national level.
Gözlənilən nəticələr
- Study of elements (components) and capacities to implement rights-based approach in social services, report published and presented in 10 regions of Georgia;
- Local rights-based social service models initiated and piloted in 7 Municipalities of Georgia, at least 100 Elderly and people with disabilities receiving social services;
- Trainings conducted for 30 social service provider civil society organizations on the development of rights-based social services;
- Rights-based social service models and standards focusing on people with disabilities and elderly service provision developed and promoted on national level;
- Educational materials on rights-based approach developed and integrated in 3 syllabi of Social Work academic programs;
- Capacity of the Social Work (Trade) Union (SWU) increased to advocate protection of the rights of their beneficiaries, as well as their labor rights.
- Social Work Law implementation action plan monitored and advocated, by publishing 3 shadow reports and conducting 3 campaigns.
Layihə sənədləri
Early Childhood Intervention Program Enhancement - Habilitation and Development Center
Rights Based Service in Daycare Center for Children - Orioni
Rehabilitation/Habilitation Program Development - Madli
Knowledge Café - 60+ Club for Active Ageing - სამოქალაქო ინიციატივა - Civic Initiative
Nothing About Us, Without Us - Parents Bridge
Rights Based Day Center for Elderly - Caritas Georgia
Capacity-Building for Social Service Provider Organizations in Rights Based Social Services and Proposal Writing
Social Workers (Trade) Union
Layihə xəritəsi
Foto qalereya
Capacity-Building for Social Service Provider Organizations in Rights Based Social Services and Proposal Writing
Social Workers (Trade) Union
National Conference to Promote Rights Based Social Services
თელავის შშმ ბავშვთა დღის ცენტრის ბენეფიციართა ნამუშევრების გამოფენა
გასვლითი ტრენინგი შშმ ბავშვთა დღის ცენტრის ბავშვებისა და მათი მშობლებისათვის
Round Table to Discuss the Rights Based Social Service Standards
National Conference to Promote Rights Based Social Services - Video with English Subtitles - V2
უფლებებზე დაფუძნებული სოციალური მომსახურების ეროვნული კონფერენცია - ვიდეო (ქართული სუბტიტებით)
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