Support to Transformation and Achievement of Excellence in Pomegranate Value Chain (STEP)

The 27-month pomegranate value chain project covered 2,120 small scale pomegranate-growing farmers having 1-5 ha pomegranate orchards in 100 villages of Goychay, Kurdamir, Ujar, Sabirabad, Hajigabul, Imishli and Saatli regions aimed at increasing their welfare. Here they had access to new and best agri-technical methods, tools and food safety issues via trainings, workshops, agronomist consultation in order to increase productivity and quality.
During the project, technical assistance was provided to pomegranate growers in order to increase the opportunities for agritourism in 5 pomegranate farms identified by AZTA-Azerbaijan Tourism Association, as a co-applicant of PPEAA during the project. As a result of the agro-tourism program, pomegranate tours and technical assistance, farmers and their communities were able to receive local tourists, sell fruits and other pomegranate products for higher profits, and directly promote local cuisine.
Канкрэтная мэта
- Organizational development of PPEAA through Advisory Board and 7 field (local) support teams for agricultural extension services;
- Support to farmers’ capacity building;
- Improving the quality and safety of products through educating farmers on Global G.A.P. disciplines;
- Facilitation of access of urban consumers to products of local pomegranate producing communities.
Чаканыя вынікі
- 2120 small-scale pomegranate growers from over 100 communities in Ujar, Goychay, Kurdamir, Hajigabul, Saatli, Sabirabad and Imishli rayons benefited from increased productivity and better access to markets and services as a result of intensive agricultural training sessions and field advisory services;
- 83 hectares of new pomegranate orchards were established in Goychay, Saatli, Sabirabad and Kurdamir rayons.
- Farms in 388 hectares of land successfully used biological pest control methods, thus reducing the amount of usage of chemical methods.
- Alternative sources of income was created for 5 smallholders from agritourism, who were able to provide agrotourism services for 65 local tourist families in Goychay and Kurdamir rayons;
- Organized the pomegranate mini-juice processing facility with the minimum production capacity of 500 bottles of pasteurised juice per day.
- Obtained the official permission paper for the legal operarion of the mini-juice facility from the Azerbaijan Food Safety Agency (AFSA).
- Linked 312 farmers to State Agrarian Developent Centers (DAIM) to register their land through the Electronic Agriculture Information System (EKTIS) and obtan the farmer card for agricultural subsidy.
Карта праекта
Trainin session for women entrepreneurs in Ujar
Agrotourism Promotional Video 2
Agrotourism Promotional Video 1
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое стварае
Сельская гаспадарка і развіццё сельскай мясцовасці
Сельская гаспадарка
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