EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU4IBM)

The project supports the identification of, and assists in addressing the gaps in the implementation of the national reforms approximating the Ukrainian border management system to the standards and best practices of the EU Integrated Border Management (IBM) in line with the national IBM Strategy of Ukraine adopted on 24 July 2019. The project strongly promotes inter-agency cooperation and coordination among IBM agencies, fosters more effective mechanisms for engagement and two-way communication with the public, and encourages measures to counter corruption in the long run.
Through this project, EU continues its coherent support to Ukraine to enable border management agencies on the national and cross-border levels to offer better service delivery to people, promote regional cooperation, cross-border trade, development and human contact as well as to help Ukrainian citizens and companies benefit from increased mobility and integration into the world economic flows while ensuring a high level of security and prevention of cross-border crime.
Канкрэтная мэта
The processing of cross-border movements of persons and goods is efficient, addresses security threats and in line with EU IBM good practices
Чаканыя вынікі
- Business process analysis and re-engineering streamline the functioning of border agencies
- IBM stakeholders have the necessary analytical information, tools and procedures to effectively steer the IBM policy development and implementation
- Border control procedures are analysed and rationalised in selected types of border crossing points, concepts for model border crossing points are developed and implemented
- Interagency coordination, cooperation, and information exchange among relevant IBM stakeholders is improved, including in the area of risk analysis
- Asset and budget management, internal audit and quality management system and processes are enhanced
- HR management in State Border Guards Service is modernised
- Better cross-border coordination and exchange of information with neighbouring countries is ensured
Карта праекта
Handover of protective equipment to SBGS in response to COVID-19
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое абараняе
Трансгранічнае супрацоўніцтва і кіраванне межамі
Трансгранічнае супрацоўніцтва
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:

Нумар праекта ЕС:

Цікавіцеся апошнімі навінамі і магчымасцямі?

Гэты вэб-сайт адмініструецца фінансаванай праз ЕС Рэгіянальнай камунікацыйнай праграмай для Усходняга суседства ("УСХОДНЯЕ СУСЕДСТВА ЕС") на 2020-2024 гады. Праграма дапаўняе і падтрымлівае камунікацыйную працу Прадстаўніцтваў ЕС ва ўсходніх краінах-партнёрах і працуе пад кіраўніцтвам Генеральнага дырэктарата Еўрапейскай камісіі па палітыцы суседства і перамоваў аб пашырэнні і Службы знешніх дзеянняў ЕС. Праект рэалізуецца кансорцыумам пад кіраўніцтвам GOPA PACE.

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