EU4Youth – 'School Garden' for Agricultural Entrepreneurship

The project fosters the employability and active participation in society and the economy of young people living in disadvantaged rural areas (including around Chernobyl), by developing modern labour skills, supporting them in becoming leaders/entrepreneurs and promoting new professional opportunities.
Канкрэтная мэта
-To promote the integration of young people in disadvantaged rural communities into the economy and society by providing qualified professional education and vocational training, business and entrepreneurial knowledge, cooperation experience, as well as the social and business contacts needed for a future independent life.
-To promote modern agricultural skills in disadvantaged rural communities to counter outdated agricultural technologies and labour organisation, low salaries, hard working conditions and the mass production of products with low added value.
-To integrate local communities and educational institutions with regional and national vocational guidance institutions, the broader economic market and civil society, as well as with each other.
Чаканыя вынікі
- 8 business-incubators for teaching modern agriculture to youth are established in disadvantaged rural areas in BY (3),UA (3),MD (2). - 8 programs on teaching modern agriculture to youth and proper 8 manuals in 4,000 copies developed and distributed to over 100 schools in 6 EaP countries.
- Over 50 specialists trained to be local trainers on modern agriculture to rural youth.
- Over 2,000 young people from 30 local communities trained at business incubators to use basics of organic agricultural business. - - Over 3,000 pupils and 100 teachers of other 30 communities learnt about opportunities of organic agricultural farming by study tours to business-incubators.
- Over 300 people in 3-6 EaP countries got basic knowledge on modern agriculture via distance learning course.
- Over 30 organisations united into a youth modern agriculture education and employment network.
- Over 200 articles posted and more than 2,000 visits on the internet.
- Over 8 business companies, cooperatives, production/trade collectors established.
- Over 60 rural schools, 10 trade networks, over 30 media sources learnt about opportunities of business incubators and organic agriculture.
- Over 100 representatives of schools, employment centers, trade and young farmers participated at the public (bi-) annual Forum–Dialogues.
Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Cultivator de fructe si legume
Workshop " Technologies of growing garden crops. Pruning, grafting, oculation and copulation»
"Open Day. Fair" in Opsa school
Training "The revival of tradition: decorations from cotton wool"
Practicum on educational tourism through rural school
School Garden - perspectives and opportunities for rural localities in the Republic of Moldova
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that creates
Youth (entrepreneurship & skills development), Civil society, Employment and entrepreneurship
Youth, Civil society, Jobs
Краіны Усходняга партнёрства:
Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

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