Technical Assistance to the Ukraine Railway Modernisation Project

The technical assistance will support Ukrainian Railway (Ukrzaliznytsia, UZ) in the implementation of the Ukraine Railway Modernisation investment project whose main objective is to improve the capacity of the existing rail lines through electrification and construction of new tracks, thereby improving the quality of rail services and allowing the rail to maintain or expand its modal share.
Ukraine Railway Modernisation Project will finance the track rehabilitation, signalling and telecommunication systems and electrification of two railway lines with approximately 253 km length in Southern and Eastern regions of Ukraine. The project aims to improve Ukraine’s transport infrastructure and promote sustainable transport on the extended TEN-T network.
Канкрэтная мэта
The purpose of the TA is to:
(i) support Ukrainian Railway (Ukrzaliznytsia or UZ) (the ‘Promoter’) to prepare tender dossiers and necessary documents of major infrastructure works; and
(ii) supervise the implementation of the Ukraine Railway Modernisation project (through independent Supervising Engineer) in accordance with the rules, conditions and Tender dossiers as well as report on the Project's compliance to financiers’ (EIB and EBRD) requirements, including the ‘Safeguard Provisions’.
Чаканыя вынікі
In general, the project will contribute to the modernisation of Ukraine’s transport infrastructure – the modernisation of approximately 250 km of railway lines in the southern regions of Ukraine.
The main benefits of the project will include operational cost savings for train service operators due to energy cost savings as well as a substantial improvement in the environment and a significant reduce in GHG emissions (45 kton/year).
The project will also improve capacity and efficiency on an important railway corridor to the Black Sea ports of Ukraine, improve the quality of rail services and allow rail to maintain or expand its modal share.
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое стварае
Зносіны (транспарт і энергетыка)
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

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