EU4Youth – Youth Employment in Times of Crisis: Personal Assistance Programme to support Persons with Autism, Intellectual and/or Psychosocial Disabilities in Ukraine

In order to reenforce the chances in the war time in Ukraine of young professionals, university graduates and students of Social Work, Special Pedagogy, Psychology and other specialties providing care services to persons with intellectual disabilities (further ID), the following activities will be implemented during 18 months of the Project: 1. Needs assessment research conc. training needs of young professionals and students to cover the war time service peculiarities and the needs of care services to youth with ID. 2. Online training courses to 300 young professionals, students (10 groups*5 training days*30 trainees each) about care services while war. 3. Practical skills building through Internship (trial employment of 75 persons in one of the following positions: a personal assistant to a person with ID (25 persons), respite care service assistants (25 employees) and Individual Support Workers on the outings program for young adults with autism (25 employees). Another 200 trainees will provide services as volunteers. Care services cover 380 young persons with ID. 380 family members will get respite. The national advocacy of the innovative social services consists of drafting 2 sub-laws and 3 position descriptions for the new services and official submitting to Ukrainian government.
Канкрэтная мэта
Overall objective of the Project is to strengthen resilience and build capacities of Ukrainian welfare community to respond to impacts generated by Russia’s war against Ukraine, especially youth.
The first specific objective of the Action is empowerment and enhancing the capacity of young graduates and students of the universities (social work, special pedagogy, psychology, and other professions) as well as the young professionals to become successful professionals through getting new working experiences and updating their skills to the circumstances of the war.
The action is focused on raising engagement and building capacities of young graduates, students, and professionals and, at the same time, fostering the delivery of new modern and quality support services for youngsters with ID, significantly affected by the war according to the results of the needs assessment research.
Another specific objective is to advocate on the national level for the introduction of innovative social services to young Ukrainians with Intellectual Disabilities: personal assistants to a person with ID, respite care service assistants and Individual Support Workers on the outings program for young adults with autism for their community inclusion.
Чаканыя вынікі
1. The training needs of young professionals in Social Work, Special Pedagogy and Psychology as well as the needs in community based care services of young persons with intellectual disabilities are identified while needs assessment research.
2. 300 young professionals, graduates or students in Social Work, Special Pedagogy, Psychology and other specialties take a training course on special features of care services to young Ukrainians with intellectual disabilities during the war times.
3. 75 trainees get trial employment as personal assistants to a person with ID, or respite care service assistants, or Individual Support Workers on the outings program for young adults, another 200 trainees are involved in care provision as volunteers to build their practical skills.
4. 380 young Ukrainians with intellectual disabilities get care services, 380 family members get temporary rest from care.
5. As a part of national advocacy, 2 sub-laws and 3 position descriptions for the new services are drafted and officially submitted to Ukrainian government
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