Crisis inventory and leap to digitalisation of museum registers

The project is aimed at overcoming the crisis situation and forcing the reform of museum accounting in Ukraine, as well as preparing materials for an emergency assessment of museum losses due to Russian aggression and ensuring the ability of museums to carry out effective digital accounting of museum collections.
Канкрэтная мэта
Overall objective: Contribution to protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine during the time of Russian aggression.
Specific Objective: Overcoming the crisis and enforcing the reform of museum registers in Ukraine.
The project involves two components: a "crisis inventory" and a "leap".
Therefore, based on the results of the implementation of the first part of the project, we expect the following positive changes:
● a cloud infrastructure is created to save data on the content and condition of museum funds;
● the inventory, inspection, and introduction into circulation (unblocking) of materials on the accounting of collections belonging to the state part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine (as of
2014) are carried out;
● a software toolkit for optimizing the processing and use of photocopying materials of paper accounting documents of museums is developed;
● an assessment of the possibilities and sources of expansion (enrichment) of photocopying data in cloud storage is carried out.
Based on the results of the implementation of the second part of the project, we expect the following
positive changes:
● a typical software toolkit for automating museum accounting and electronic interaction with the
national portal of the Ministry of Culture is developed;
● a pilot center for the digitization of museum collections is created and launched (on the basis of
4 diverse museums);
● pilot realization of typical solutions for software and technical support of digitization of museum
records is implemented;
● proposals for improving the regulatory framework of museum accounting in Ukraine are
prepared (taking into account the analysis of the results of the first stage of the project and the
work of the pilot center);
● an advocacy campaign aimed at the professional museum community and a wider audience is
carried out, conveying the importance and benefits of changing approaches in accounting for
museum funds;
● trainings for museum employees on digitization of museum records in the museum are held
Чаканыя вынікі
R1. Crisis inventory component.
Developed and made available materials for estimating loses of museum due to Russian aggression (after 2015).
R2 Leap component.
Developed tools and solutions to increase the capacity of museums to digitize collections to unblock the implementation of the national reform of museum registration (stabilization measures).
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое стварае
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:

Нумар праекта ЕС:

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