European Media Facility in Armenia – Building sustainable and professional media

The overall aim of the project “Building sustainable and professional media in Armenia” is to contribute to a vibrant Armenian media sector that is able to fulfil its role as a watchdog for Armenian society. In particular, the project aims to support independent Armenian media to become more professional and financially sustainable. The project foresees a whole set of activities, for instance the setup of an E-School for media management, capacity building for fact-checking and investigative reporting, strengthening networks within Armenia as well as with Eastern Neighbourhood and European counterparts, and the financial support to regional media organisations.
Канкрэтная мэта
The overall aim of the project “Building sustainable and professional media in Armenia” is to contribute to a vibrant Armenian media sector that is able to fulfil its role as a watchdog for Armenian society.
Чаканыя вынікі
- E-School for media management successfully established
- 10 regional media are selected and have developed a strategy to improve their editorial contents through financial support
- Independent regional and national media have capacities to improve their journalistic contents
- Armenian journalists use Truly fact-checking to improve investigative journalism
- Media organisations are networked with each other in Armenia and Europe
- Independent Armenian media engage their audience to improve content
- Students have access to more practice-oriented education
Дакументы па праекце
Deficit of sewage water in Artashat
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that empowers
Communication & support to media
Media, Communication
Статус праекта:
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Дата заканчэння:

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