EU4Lankaran: Promoting Competitiveness, Collaboration and Modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Lankaran-Astara Economic Region

The overall objective of the project is the development of modern and competitive Fruit and Vegetables Value Chains in the Lankaran Astara Economic Region. This will result, in the long term, in:
(i) a more effective access to domestic and foreign markets;
(ii) a fairer distribution of the financial benefits generated all along the target VCs;
(iii) an ensuing decrease of the current rural poverty levels.
In order to achieve such results, the project pursues to strengthen the capacities of the F&V-VCs operators by providing them with modern (production/processing/logistic/marketing) means and services.
Канкрэтная мэта
The Overall Objective of the intervention proposed for funding is the development of modern and competitive Fruit and Vegetables (F&V)-Value Chains (VCs) in the Lankaran-Astara Economic Region (LEAR). This will result, in the long term, in: (i) more effective access to domestic and foreign markets; (ii) a fairer distribution of the financial benefits generated all along the target VCs; and (iii) an ensuing decrease of the current rural poverty levels.
Чаканыя вынікі
Outcome 1: Awareness of LAER-based F&V operators on the benefits of collaborative undertakings is increased.
Outcome 2: Capacity of selected F&V collaborative undertakings to apply key technology is enhanced.
Outcome 3: Innovation is introduced into the F&V sector.
Карта праекта
Video about startup supported by the project
Project launch day event video
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that creates
Agriculture and rural development, Agriculture and rural development
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Нумар праекта ЕС:

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