MOVE IT Like Lublin – A Chisinau Public Transport Sustainable Development Initiative

Providing qualitative, efficient and effective public transport is one of the biggest challenges for public authorities in all countries and Chisinau is no exception in this respect.

The action will support local administration in Chisinau in making the City’s Public Transport more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This will be achieved by the transfer of EU know-how and expertise primarily from the project partner, the Lublin Municipality (Poland). This project takes into account the current needs of Chisinau citizens, the designed action will improve urban governance and in turn improve the lives of its city inhabitants.

The expected impact will be an improved urban mobility, accessibility and public transport for Chisinau Municipality.
Канкрэтная мэта
The overall objective of the project is to support local authorities in Chisinau and Lublin in making the City’s Public Transport more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
The specific objectives to be achieved through project implementations are following:
- Improved urban transport policy at the Municipal level.
- Increased institutional management capacities of Chisinau City Hall in line with EU practices and standards in urban mobility.
- Increased quality of transport management in Chisinau and Lublin by introducing innovation in public transport, IT solutions and modern technologies
Чаканыя вынікі
- Improved management quality of the Chisinau Public Transport.
- Improved legislation on public transport at local and national level.
- Reformed, modernized and better functioning Chisinau City Hall Transport Directorate.
- Improved local transport development through the territorial approach.
- Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan developed.
- Best practices and know-how exchanged between Lublin and Chisinau employees.
- Implementing best practices for combating COVID-19 pandemic adverse effects on public transport.
- Increased efficiency and capacity of City Hall to monitor and manage traffic by using latest technology and innovation.
- Traffic Monitor Center established.
- Dashboard for real-time tracking of bus and trolleybus GPS, digital timetable, passenger load levels and ticket sales.
- New dedicated bus lanes and rerouting.
- Study on compensations and subsidies for vulnerable groups.
- Better informed passengers, regarding the latest technologies and innovations used in public transport in Chisinau.
Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Video informativ 2, spot general: Cum funcționează benzile dedicate transportului public din Chișinău
Video informativ 1, spot general: Cine are dreptul să circule pe benzile dedicate transportului public?
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое ўзаемаспалучае, Партнёрства, якое ідзе зялёным шляхам, Партнёрства, якое абараняе
Лічбавы (шырокапалосны, мабільная сувязь, электронны ўрад, лічбавыя інавацыі, кібер), Навакольнае асяроддзе і змена клімату, Кіраванне і дзяржаўнае кіраванне
Транспарт, Мясцовае развіццё, Даследаванні і інавацыі
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Нумар праекта ЕС:

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