Ending violence against women and girls in Georgia (EVAWGG)

In the proposed action, UN Women and UNFPA will work with duty-bearers at the highest possible level as well as with women’s rights defenders and CSOs at the grass-roots level. The primary focus of the action, along with the further strengthening of existing support services, will be the development of a socioeconomic rehabilitation programme for the victims/survivors, learning from and adapting relevant EU best practices. Civil society partners will be engaged by the action especially in the field of awareness-raising to increase VAWG/DV reporting as well as the transformation of the social norms and stereotypes that condone gender-based violence.
Канкрэтная мэта
The overall objective of the action is that women and girls in Georgia live a life free from violence. The specific objectives are as follows:
- Legislation, policies and institutional capacities are in place to effectively prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, including domestic violence.
- Negative gender stereotypes, social norms and attitudes that condone violence against women and harmful practices transformed to enable respect for women’s rights and gender equality in project target communities
Чаканыя вынікі
Result 1: Legislation, policies and institutional capacities are in place to effectively prevent and respond to violence against women and girls, including domestic violence.
Result 2: Awareness-raising and mobilization of communities and institutions on gender equality, women’s rights and zero tolerance for violence against women (with special focus on men and boys) results in more respectful relationships and the transformation of the negative gender stereotypes, social norms and attitudes that condone such harmful practices and violence
Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Youth video #4
Youth video #3
Youth video #2
Youth video #1
Updated video about a Georgian-Azerbaijani online platform Panjara
Ethnic Azerbaijani activist speaking about Panjara online platform (for Georgian speaking audience)
Female activist
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое абараняе
Вяршэнства права і правы чалавека
Жанчыны, Правы чалавека
Статус праекта:
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Дата заканчэння:
Сацыяльныя веткі:

Нумар праекта ЕС:

Цікавіцеся апошнімі навінамі і магчымасцямі?

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