Strategic Technical Assistance in Reforms Towards Energy Efficiency and Renewables (STARTER)

Strategic Technical Assistance in Reforms Towards Energy Efficiency and Renewables (STARTER) provides assistance to Ukraine in the reform of the energy sector to ensure the EU regulations and best practices in this sector are successfully implemented and contribute to improvements of conditions for attracting investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, enhancing cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in the field of sustainable energy, strengthening the financial sustainability and ensuring greater transparency and environmental awareness on energy-efficiency in Ukraine.
Канкрэтная мэта
The overall objective of the project is to support the continuing implementation of the energy sector reforms in Ukraine, introducing systemic changes and favourable conditions for attracting investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, enhancing cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in the field of sustainable energy, strengthening the financial sustainability and ensuring greater transparency and environmental awareness on energy-efficiency in line with the commitments of Ukraine in the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the Energy Community Treaty.
Чаканыя вынікі
Result 1: the process of transposition and implementation of selected provisions of the EU- Ukraine Association Agreement and the Energy Community Treaty respects the agreed timelines and actions plans, including implementation of related secondary legislation and accompanying non-legislative policy measures (e.g. financing instruments, training programmes for professionals, practical implementation guidelines for key stakeholders, etc);

Result 2: implementation at the local level of the energy efficiency part of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and the Energy Community process with all the stakeholders, including civil society, is facilitated and supported to become as effective as possible; capacity of local stakeholders is strengthened and enhanced;

Result 3: institutional capacity development especially in the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, Ministry of Energy and as well as the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture is supported with the aim to strengthen the role of the Ministries as policy-making bodies in the energy efficiency sector. Capacity should be developed in other key organisations including Energy Regulatory Authority;

Result 4: implementation of the EE4U Programme and other projects/programmes related to energy efficiency and renewable energy resources funded by the EU is facilitated through the provision of ad hoc assistance (including ad hoc assistance with the implementation of the energy efficiency-related activities under the Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Energy Cooperation between European Union and Ukraine)
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that greens
Energy & energy efficiency
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Нумар праекта ЕС:

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