Development Despite Disruption: Resilient civil society in a time of COVID-19 and beyond (3D Project)

Main goal: boost the public sector's efficiency and resilience during the pandemic by strengthening its institutional capacity and promotion of civic tech instruments among civil society organizations (CSOs).

Primary tasks of the project:
• providing the civil society with the innovative organizational and communication tools, especially with the civic tech tools, which will allow creating a more efficient dialogue within the communities and the dialogue with the authorities;
• development of the organizational capacity of CSO to boost their efficiency in the communities;
• development of the professional and leadership skills of the public sector employees;
• promotion of the political dialogue between the civil society and stakeholders in Ukraine;
• CSO capacity building for the sake of democratization process in Ukraine;
• grant support for local initiatives, aimed at efficient local development during the pandemic.

Main activities: online training program to increase the quality of professional skills of public sector workers, leadership coaching for CSOs, CivicTech Acceleration program and the small grant program for local initiatives.
Канкрэтная мэта
• providing the civil society with the innovative organizational and communication tools, especially with the civic tech tools, which will allow creating a more efficient dialogue within the communities and the dialogue with the authorities;
• development of the organizational capacity of CSO to boost their efficiency in the communities;
• development of the professional and leadership skills of the public sector employees;
• promotion of the political dialogue between the civil society and stakeholders in Ukraine;
• CSO capacity building for the sake of democratization process in Ukraine;
• grant support for local initiatives, aimed at efficient local development during the pandemic.
Чаканыя вынікі
The civil society plays a stronger role as a governance actor in the democratization processes in Ukraine, represents and protects citizens’ interests both during the COVID-19 pandemics and beyond.

Дакументы па праекце
Карта праекта
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Партнёрства, якое пашырае магчымасці
Грамадзянская супольнасць
Грамадзянская супольнасць
Статус праекта:
Дата пачатку:
Дата заканчэння:
Нумар праекта ЕС:

Цікавіцеся апошнімі навінамі і магчымасцямі?

Гэты вэб-сайт адмініструецца фінансаванай праз ЕС Рэгіянальнай камунікацыйнай праграмай для Усходняга суседства ("УСХОДНЯЕ СУСЕДСТВА ЕС") на 2020-2024 гады. Праграма дапаўняе і падтрымлівае камунікацыйную працу Прадстаўніцтваў ЕС ва ўсходніх краінах-партнёрах і працуе пад кіраўніцтвам Генеральнага дырэктарата Еўрапейскай камісіі па палітыцы суседства і перамоваў аб пашырэнні і Службы знешніх дзеянняў ЕС. Праект рэалізуецца кансорцыумам пад кіраўніцтвам GOPA PACE.

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