Creating Better LLL Opportunities through Local Partnerships

The project “Creating Better Life-Long Learning Opportunities through Local Partnerships” aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of skills provision for life-long learning and enhancement of employment opportunities for youth and vulnerable groups in target 6 regions of Georgia (Guria, Racha-Lechkhumi, Imereti, Kakheti, Tbilisi and Adjara) for further institutionalization and replication of the models and approaches nationwide. The project will create access to new educational services in vocational education and training (VET), ensuring sustainable and inclusive development of the VET system and the labour market. The project is implemented with the financial support from the European Union "Skills for Jobs" Programme in the strategic partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (MoES) and cooperation with the private sector (particularly HORECA, healthcare, personal services and other sectors) and educational institutions (schools, colleges, training centres).
Канкрэтная мэта
Strengthening employability for men and women in capital and rural areas through increased access to high quality services.
Чаканыя вынікі
• Accessibility on skills of youth, women and men, including vulnerable groups, in selected regions is strengthened through new types of formal and non-formal education-related service provision
• Quality of skills development is improved through institutional and human capacity strengthening of the service providers
• Employability of youth is enhanced through developed key competences including digital and entrepreneurial competence.
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