
The LEAD4Shirak Project aims to contribute to reducing poverty, inequality and vulnerability through integrated, sustainable and participatory rural development by introducing the LEADER approach. It also aims to improve employment, rural economy, community empowerment and living conditions of rural population and their resilience, while protecting the environment and mainstreaming gender equality and women empowerment.
Канкрэтная мэта
Specific Objective 1: A sustainable mechanism for mobilizing local actors for development according to the EU LEADER approach is set up in Shirak marz.
Specific Objective 2: The implementation of community needs-based projects according to the EU LEADER approach has been supported in Shirak marz.
Чаканыя вынікі
Output 1: The regulatory framework and delivery system for CLLD (Community-Led Local Development)/LEADER are effective in Shirak marz.
Output 2: Two representative Local Action Groups (LAGs) have been established and are operational.
Output 3: Local stakeholders in two LAGs have elaborated an inclusive, gender-sensitive and sustainable multi-annual, community-driven Local Development Strategy (LDS) and an Implementation Plan (IP) that represent the needs, interests and potentials of the local population.
Output 4: Local economic and social initiatives and innovations have been supported based on the priorities set up in the LDS and according to the grant and support scheme.
Output 5: LAGs and local stakeholders have been involved in lively exchanges, capitalising on the CLLD/LEADER approach and furthering its sustainable anchoring in the institutional fabric of Armenia.
Дакументы па праекце
Aragats Valley LAG
Northern Way LAG
Central Shirak LAG
Карта праекта
LEADER as a Pathway for the Development of Rural Armenia
Regional Launch Event
LEAD4Shirak: by locals, with locals
Teaser Video
Event video
Прыярытэтная вобласць:
Partnership that creates
Agriculture and rural development
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