Zero Waste Day in Tbilisi
April 2, 2024

Zero Waste Day in Tbilisi

On 30 March, hundreds of people gathered in Tbilisi’s Mziuri Park to celebrate International Zero Waste Day, marking a step towards a cleaner, greener and healthier lifestyle in Georgia.

The event was organised by the Caucasus Environmental NGOs Network (CENN), in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, and supported by the European Union, Norway, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The day-long event drew guests, participants, and organisers alike to engage in interactive and educational activities promoting sustainable practices.

Highlights of the event included games and quizzes catering to both children and adults and a business fair showcasing environmental practices spearheaded by Georgian companies.

Exchange corners facilitating the redistribution of clothes and books and recycling and separation stations were also set up in the park.

“The concept of zero waste involves recycling any type of waste and turning it into a new resource. Modern waste management practices have already been introduced through the Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR) on the following four waste streams: tyres, batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic equipment and oils. It’s important to increase public awareness and engagement throughout this process,” said Irma Gurguliani, from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

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Press release


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