Borrell urges Georgian political leaders to withdraw draft law on foreign influence
Maiko Gagua
April 26, 2024

Borrell urges Georgian political leaders to withdraw draft law on foreign influence

On 24 April, EU High Representative Josep Borrell urged the political leaders of Georgia to withdraw the draft law on foreign influence. 

“As it was the case last year, it is clear that this legislation is incompatible with EU norms and values. If adopted, it would jeopardise Georgia’s progress on the EU path,” Borrel said in a  speech to the European Parliament, delivered by Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.

“Georgians have a future in the European Union. The candidate status that was granted last December has brought our relations closer than ever before. Our door is open, so I urge the Georgian leaders to mirror the expectations of the citizens and not derail the country from the EU path,” said Lenarčič on behalf of Borrell.

He added that the work Georgia needs to undertake, including the nine steps, had been defined by the European Commission in its enlargement report, adopted in November 2023.

The EU urged Georgian leaders “to foster national consensus around the goal of joining the European Union”: “It is imperative for all political leaders to reduce polarisation and engage positively and constructively with each other and with the civil society.”

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