EU Ambassador to Georgia visits EU-supported projects in Marneuli and Samshvilde
February 16, 2024

EU Ambassador to Georgia visits EU-supported projects in Marneuli and Samshvilde

On 15 February EU Ambassador to Georgia Pawel Herczynski visited Marneuli municipality and Samshvilde village. The visit aimed at directly engaging with local organisations, civil society and youth, and getting a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced in the region.

Ambassador Herczyński met the founders of the Red Bridge NGO and had a dynamic exchange with the local youth. The NGO presented its projects promoting the inclusion of ethnic Azerbaijanis into Georgia’s development.

At the EU-funded STAR’s regional hub, Ambassador Herczynski convened with civil society representatives and local activists to discuss local initiatives, the challenges faced by civil society, and potential avenues for EU cooperation.

“Your efforts will ensure the development of a more inclusive, vibrant, and interconnected community, based on the principles that resonate deeply with the values of the European Union,” Ambassador Herczynski said.

The visit ended in Samshvilde village, where the Ambassador explored the ‘Orbis Bude’ social enterprise, an EU-supported project. Offering a wide range of tourism services, the enterprise promotes the cultural heritage of the region and advocates for inclusiveness by involving local women in its activities.

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