EU Advisory Mission Ukraine trains ‘102’ line operators to help people in distress and remain resilient
March 2, 2023

EU Advisory Mission Ukraine trains ‘102’ line operators to help people in distress and remain resilient

At the end of February, the EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine (EUAM) held two one-day training sessions on effective wartime police communication. The training was attended by 40 police ‘102’ line operators and call-centre staff. The event was part of a larger EUAM project focusing on post-war and transition support, aimed at enhancing the skills, knowledge and resilience of Ukraine’s police services.

During the training, participants learned how to identify survivors of violence and people in a state of acute stress over the phone. A special part of the session was devoted to discussing professional burnout, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and their prevention.

According to EUAM, Each day, ‘102’ line operators receive up to 20,000 calls.

“We are aware of the amount of pressure on the “102” service and their direct exposure to traumatic events. We know that police officers continue to work during hostilities, missile strikes, and air raids. That’s why EUAM provides support to the staff of the National police so that the people remain efficient despite high stress,” said Anamaria Fuduli from the EUAM.

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Press release


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