Viktoriia Barylovska

Viktoriia Barylovska

  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Ukraine

Viktoriia is a secondary school student from the Ternopil Oblast, and a proactive member of the student self-governing body at her school, in the role of President of the Lyceum and Head of Student Committees. Additionally, she is also a part of the UNICEF Young People Advisory Board in Ukraine, an Ambassador of the National Office of Children and Youth “DIYMO” under the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, and an ardent volunteer in several youth-led initiatives and non-governmental organisations. Viktoriia considers it essential to be useful in her communities and make a personal contribution to the development of her country as well as the further reconstruction of Ukraine. She has a vested interest in spreading EU values and accelerating European integration processes in Ukraine. Viktoriia therefore considers it an immense honour to be a part of the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative.

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