Report on the final evaluation of the strategy for ensuring equality between women and men in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2017-2021
October 11, 2023

Report on the final evaluation of the strategy for ensuring equality between women and men in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2017-2021

The general purpose of the final evaluation is to evaluate the progress (and challenges) at the level of the general objectives, with the measurement and analysis of the degree of achievement (and non-achievement) of the specific objectives of the Strategy, including the identification of the factors that positively and negatively affected the implementation process . The evaluation will highlight the gaps and lessons learned that will serve as a basis for specific recommendations to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in order to develop a new strategic document of the Government in the field of ensuring and promoting gender equality in the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are: (1) to evaluate the relevance of the Strategy in terms of coherence, assumption and congruence, matching and complementarity with other sectoral policy documents; (2) to determine the effectiveness of the Strategy in achieving the results, identifying the causes that determined the achievement and non-achievement of the results and the factors that contributed to or hindered this process; (3) to evaluate the final results of the Strategy, its sustainability and the level of contribution of the Strategy in order to achieve the impact results. Analysis of the level of participation and involvement of interested parties in the process of developing and implementing the Strategy.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. Report on the final evaluation of the Strategy for ensuring equality between women and men in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2017-2021. Chișinău, 2022


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