Evaluation of the impact of support programs for the economic empowerment of women
March 2, 2020

Evaluation of the impact of support programs for the economic empowerment of women

The study on the evaluation of women’s economic empowerment programs focuses on the analysis of recent externally funded programs aimed at boosting the economic empowerment of women, including vulnerable groups of women. At the same time, providing recommendations on streamlining women’s economic empowerment programs and corresponding national policies to make them better targeted at the most vulnerable groups and to ensure their stronger impact is a key aspect of the evaluation. To carry out the evaluation, experts from the independent Analytical Center “Expert-Grup”, responsible for the analysis of the economic aspects of women’s economic empowerment programs, and specialists from the A.O. “Women’s Law Center”, which analyzed programs for the economic empowerment of women from vulnerable groups, were involved.
Economic empowerment programs are of major importance in compensating for the deficiencies of the socioeconomic system and help to achieve the economic goals pursued by women. The most successful programs are those that provide practical training for women entrepreneurs, both for starting businesses and for their development, in combination with financial support to boost the human potential of the beneficiaries of the given programs. Women from vulnerable groups require specialized assistance to develop personal capacities, after which they can be directed and integrated into entrepreneurial training programs and financial assistance.
Women’s Law Center, Independent Analytical Center “Expert-Group”, Chișinău, 2020


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