TruthTechThon hackathon on media literacy brings together 150 young Georgians
December 7, 2023

TruthTechThon hackathon on media literacy brings together 150 young Georgians

A total of 150 young people took part in the TruthTechThon hackathon, organised in Georgia by the Media Development Foundation with EU support. 

The event aimed to provide young people with an opportunity to create digital resources using cutting-edge technology to enhance media literacy, combat disinformation, and bolster the trustworthiness of information.

Thirteen out of 30 teams made it to the final round.

The first place was won by ‘EasyVerify’, an innovative tool that helps users verify the authenticity of information with three clicks.

Second place went to ‘Natsarkekia’, an innovative and fun game that uses the storyline of a Georgian fairy-tale, Natsarkekia, to teach school children about media literacy.

The ‘Open Evidence’ initiative won third place. This is a machine learning tool that helps users in the in-depth analysis of the media environment in Georgia and reveals current trends.

The activity was supported by DW Akademie and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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