Georgia: EU grant competition for Tsalka Municipality Schools to mark Environmental Days
March 23, 2021

Georgia: EU grant competition for Tsalka Municipality Schools to mark Environmental Days

The EU-funded ‘EMBRACE Tsalka’ project has announced a grant competition for Tsalka Municipality Schools to mark various environmental days in the municipality.

Preference will be given to initiatives that focus on marking environmental days in cooperation with other schools in the municipality, ethnic and religious minority groups, vulnerable groups (girls, people with disabilities, eco-migrants, etc.), and those marking more than one environmental day.

The maximum amount for each grant is 1,000. The actions should be carried out from April 2021 to September 2022. The application deadline is 5 April.

The ‘EMBRACE Tsalka’ project aims to provide support to smallholders, entrepreneurs, women, youth and other local actors by improving access to knowledge and innovation. It is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).

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Press release


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