EU’s public procurement market is now open for Georgian companies
August 31, 2022

EU’s public procurement market is now open for Georgian companies

The European Union public procurement market is now open to Georgian companies, following a decision adopted earlier by the EU-Georgia Association Council. 

Georgian companies can view a complete and up-to-date list of public tenders announced by the 27 EU Member States on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) website. Every day, TED publishes more than 1,000 tenders in various sectors in electronic format. A single search interface allows businesses to find the tender they need based on criteria such as the nature of the contract and keywords.

This is an achievement and a milestone in EU-Georgia economic relations and an important step towards the full implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between Georgia and the EU,” the EU Delegation to Georgia said in a press release. 

The decision also means that companies registered in the European Union have full access to public procurement tenders in Georgia. The central Georgian e-procurement system is open without restrictions to EU companies.

Find out more

Press release


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