European Union and UNICEF join efforts to improve child protection services in Georgia
March 22, 2021

European Union and UNICEF join efforts to improve child protection services in Georgia

A new project supporting children in Georgia to live in a protective and caring family environment, and have better access to child-friendly justice, is being launched in Georgia.

‘Strengthening Systems and Services for Child Protection in Georgia’, financed by the EU and implemented by UNICEF, aims to support the government in the implementation of the newly adopted Code on the Rights of the Child, including in the decentralisation of activities, and working with communities to respect and protect the rights of children.

With a total budget of over €2 million, the three-year project will support social welfare institutions, society and parents (to use positive techniques to raise children while also respecting their rights), as well as the justice system (to use a child-friendly approach for all children in contact with the law, including child victims, child witnesses of crime, and children separated from their families). The project will also help the National Agency for Crime Prevention and Probation to implement the crime prevention referral procedures and deliver quality programmes for children with difficult behaviours, children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility, and children who benefit from diversion programmes.

“Among other areas, this project will assist the final transition from institutionalised care for children, and strengthen child-friendly approaches in the justice system. It will also work intensively with local authorities and municipal social workers to ensure better access to care for families and children in need. Child rights, like any rights, are non-negotiable,” said Carl Hartzell, EU Ambassador to Georgia.

Since 2009, significant progress has been made in reforming the juvenile justice system in Georgia with EU support. The reform has produced tangible results for children in conflict with the law, but additional focus is needed to prevent juveniles coming into conflict with the law.

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Press release


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