Learn a different language, extend your limits!
October 7, 2023

Learn a different language, extend your limits!

Diversity is what makes our globalised world beautiful. Embracing people from different walks of life, art from different cultures, all kinds of music and languages is what enables all of us to explore another vision of life. Can you imagine the prospect of learning a completely different language, apart from your own native tongue? Being able to speak a foreign language also means exposing yourself to a new culture, new customs, new people, it brings with it a myriad of opportunities, all while enhancing your empathy across borders. 

Studies have found that studying a foreign language has been shown to have cognitive benefits. As a matter of fact, bilingual individuals have better memory retention and executive functioning skills, such as task-switching and problem-solving. In addition, learning a new language is a rewarding experience which boosts self-confidence and resilience in different areas of life. Both personally and professionally, language-learning can help us to rise to new challenges and achieve our goals and dreams in a creative way.

But learning a foreign language is about more than just interacting with people. As the world becomes more global, it has become a valuable skill that opens the door to better career opportunities in the job market. Larger companies prefer candidates that can speak a foreign language and have experience of different cultures. 

Fun fact: Every year, 26 September is celebrated as European Day of Languages. This year, on that day, the Azerbaijani network of Young European Ambassadors launched a new project – ‘European Languages Hour’. The first event, which was facilitated by experienced moderators, prompted a great deal of interest from French, German, and Spanish language-learners. They were able to get involved in interactive discussions and establish connections. At the end, interested participants were informed about the process of becoming Young European Ambassador. 

So, what are you waiting for? Apply today to become a YEA and realize your own projects within the network. We are here to develop our skills and make an impact together.

Bonne chance! Viel Glück! Buena suerte!

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